Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Shinny Backhand Pass

For this lesson I feel I used the advice I was given and improved my lesson. I had my back less to the class, although I still did occasionally, I made sure to give specific congruent feedback, checked for understanding of the lesson, and simplified the lesson by eliminating unnecessary cues. I also spread the class out to give them plenty of room and I didn't give anyone a chance to act up or be disruptive. Some things I need to work on for future teaching days are hands in my pocket and to slow down and don't speak too quickly. I thought I managed my time well and got most of the points for the time coding sheet. However, I did worse than I thought and need to get my students into the activity faster.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Coach Maldo got this PE thing on lockdown
